Monday, August 29, 2011


Today I started my third week of eleventh grade. Is it just me, or did I start early? It seems like a lot of people just started today....

I'm hoping for a good day tomorrow. [better then today] I'm going to [try my best to] pull myself out of bed in the morning [which is very hard to do] at an early hour, and have an enjoyable day. I do like the early hours of the day but it's just so hard to get up.

 I recently discovered that google has a place to read and save ebooks. I think that's awesome! A lot of the classics are free. So, lots of reading ahead? [perhaps tomorrow] Yes, I think so.
Well, that's all. Goodnight.


  1. These pictures are gorgeous! I'm starting my third week of school tomorrow (although, it seems like I've been much longer) so you didn't start too much earlier than me. :)

  2. i love everything about these photos, they are just that beautiful! pictures of books, and classic ones at that, are unfailing amusing.

  3. Those are wonderful pictures!!


    P.S. i'm having a contst on my blog, would you please join it? i'm tying to get as many people as possible :)

  4. Gorgeous pictures! How do you find the classic books to read on google? (If you don't mind sharing.)

    I'm a new reader and new follower and I'm glad that I found your blog.


  5. Beautiful pictures but you need to post more often!


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